HoppNorge, formerly known as Hopplandslaget, has unveiled a new and dynamic brand identity that reflects its deep connection to the sport of ski jumping. At the heart of this rebranding is the symbolic green laser line, which serves as a critical visual aid for ski jumpers, projected onto the landing area to guide them in determining where it is safe to land and where they might surpass the current lead.
This green line not only represents safety and precision but also embodies the thrill of competition. The brand’s use of italic typography is a deliberate design choice, mirroring the sleek and aerodynamic posture of ski jumpers as they soar through the air. The forward-leaning style of the type captures the sense of motion, speed, and grace that defines the sport.

Defining the green line – hoppnorge

Brand Identity
Art Direction


Katla by Atli Mar Yngvasson


Wongraven Barolo Monvigliero